Local directory for master students supervised by Mats Høvin
Master at ROBIN / IFI / UIO
Master topics
A master project supervised by Mats Høvin will last for 12 months, and will currently be in the field of applied rapid prototyping (3D print / CNC milling),
development of 3D print / CNC milling machines (robotics), robot assisted medical surgery in collaborations with Rikshospitalet and optimization of organic growth systems.
Courses that may be taken. Important: supervisors at ROBIN are not responsible for courses held by other groups.
It is up to the student to choose courses for the master program, and the following list is just an example.
INF4500 (spring) - Rapid prototyping of robotic systems - 10p, new course, first time: spring 2014 (under construction)
INF5430 (spring) - INF5430 - Advanced digital systems design
UNIK4590 (autumn) - Pattern Recognition - 10p (good stuff, but may be a slightly hard examination.)
INF5750 (autumn) - Open source software development - 10p
INF4130 (autumn) - Algoritmer: Design og effektivitet - 10p
FYS4220 (autumn) - Real time and embedded data systems - 10p
How to write a master thesis: Old course in how to write a good master thesis by Joern Braa.
Other hints and tips
and tricks on how to write a master thesis.